Atlanta Fed: Home Ownership Affordability Monitor


By Bill McBride

Here is another measure of affordability that readers might find useful from the Atlanta Fed: Home Ownership Affordability Monitor

To help business economists and analysts track the relative changes in home ownership affordability at a higher frequency and more granular level of geography, the Atlanta Fed developed an interactive home affordability tool, the HOAM (Home Ownership Affordability Monitor) Index, which measures the ability of a median-income household to absorb the estimated annual costs associated with owning a median-priced home. Using the HUD standard 30 percent share of income threshold to measure affordability, this tool presents a national view of affordability for the median home owner from January 2006 through the most current data as well as metro-level and county-level (within metropolitan areas) views of affordability for the median home owner from January 2014 through the most current data.

Here is a graph of affordability (higher is more affordable), and of the year-over-year change in affordability through May 2024. By this measure, houses are essentially the least affordable since the Atlanta Fed started tracking affordability (October 2023 was slightly less affordable than May 2024). Note that the Atlanta Fed projects income.

The Atlanta Fed also calculates affordability by metro area.

Check out your own area!