We may be on track for a fairly significant increase in volume this year over last. There have been 906 units sold year to date as compared with 534 last year to the same date, a 70% increase over last year.
Average sold price is only about 3.5% lower this year to date than all of last year, compared with a drop of over 15% in the previous two years. And the data this year shows that values are holding steady as of about the last four months.
Sales of residential properties over $1,000,000 in the City have more than doubled so far this year over last, 16 as compared with 7; and holding steady in the County with 18 sales this year to date as compared with 17 last year. And as of today there are ten more properties over $1,000,000 with contracts pending; three of those over $2,000,000 and one over $4,000,000.
Sothbeby’s continues to maintain an impressive market share for all residential sales volume; we have less than 10% of the brokers in Santa Fe (82 out of 840) and have a twenty percent market share!
Five Year Comparison through July 7, 2010
Year to Date Ranking for Residential Sales as of July 8, 2010 By Dollar Volume