July Numbers for Santa Fe Real Estate Continue the Trend of Increasing Sales and Big Change in Pending Contracts over $1,000,000

See the July Statistics in our Market Data Section which indicate a continuing trend of improving sales numbers. 

July sales are up over June and inventories are similar or slightly smaller July over June with the exception of Las Campanas where the number of homes for sale increased. 

July Residential Sales in the City were similar to June with about 70 homes sold; however in the County sales jumped from 35 homes in June to 55 July.

The big news is the large increase in the number of pending contracts on properties over $1,000,000.  Having sold only 29 properties over a million year to date, there are now 18 under contract; 10 of them in the City where only 11 have sold year to date, and 8 of them in the County where 18 have sold year to date.

Definitely a significant change!

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